CDM 2015 L153
University of Nottingham David Ross Sports Village Ariel Construction

External site health and safety inspections and audits by independent competent health and safety professionals are now considered an essential part of construction site health and safety arrangements.

The inspections and audits provide reassurance and peace of mind to the Clients that the construction work on their projects is being carried out in accordance with legal and best practice requirements and an opportunity for Principal Contractors and Contractors to demonstrate that the safe systems of work and good health and safety standards are being followed on their sites.

Importantly, site inspections form part of the proactive site monitoring arrangements to regularly identify any shortcomings and areas of improvements before they result in any incident or accident on site.

In comparison to regular site health and safety inspections, a health and safety audit is considered more as a one-off exercise to monitor any particular site health and safety related issue.

At WSP Safety Ltd we provide independent site health and safety inspections and audit service.

Our inspections and audit service include undertaking a thorough site visit (generally unannounced) to identify any shortcomings in the current health and safety arrangements (and recognise good practices as well) and present a formal written report with identified issues where improvements may be required (with photos where necessary), suggested action plan and target completion time scales where applicable.

Our inspections and audit service is focused on supporting the site managers and supervisors in understanding the legislative and best practice requirements and assist them in rectifying any short comings in a practical and sensible manner.

Please contact us if you are interested in the site inspections and audit service or would like to know more about this service.